Section 375 Movie Real Story In Hindi - हेलो भाई लोग आज मे आपको Section 375 मूवी की स्टोरी के बारे में बताने जा रहा हु, ये मूवी मन गया है की सच्ची घटना से प्रेररत है ,
Section 375 Movie Real Story In Hindi - Hello brothers, today I am going to tell you about the story of Section 375 movie, this movie is inspired by the real incident of Man Gaya,
Section 375 Release Date - 13 September
Section 375 Cast, Crew, Trailer, Review
- राहुल भट
- ऋचा चड्ढा
- मीरा चोपड़ा
- अंजलि दामले
- अक्षय खन्ना
- तनुका लगथे
- मीरा सिंह
- कुमुद मिश्रा
- संध्या मृदुल
- राजेंद्र शिसटकर
- पायल तेजपाल
- Rahul Bhat
- Richa Chadha
- Meera Chopra
- Anjali Damle
- Akshay Khanna
- Was thin
- Meera Singh
- Kumud Mishra
- Sandhya Mridul
- Rajendra Shisthkar
- Payal Tejpal
Section 375 Crew
- अजय बहल (अतिरिक्त पटकथा और संवाद)
- मनीष गुप्ता (कहानी और पटकथा) (संवाद)
- Ajay Bahl (Additional Screenplay and Dialogue)
- Manish Gupta (story and screenplay) (dialogue)
Section 375 Movie Real Story In Hindi
सेक्शन ३७५ मूवी काफी इंट्रेस्टिंग और लोकप्रिय मूवी होने वाली है क्युकी ये मूवी कुछ रियल स्टोरीज पे बेस्ड है इस अखसे खन्ना जो की एक वकील का रोले ऐडा किये है एक लड़के का बचाओ के तरफ से लड़ रहे है इस मूवी की कहानी रपे केस से पीड़ित एक एक लड़की है जिसमे पुलिस वाले इनसे कुछ गलत बर्ताव करते है और रिपोर्ट लिखने से पहले कुछ उटपटांग सवाल करते है जिससे पीड़िता को काफी बुरा लगता है फिर केस दर्ज होने के बाद ऋचा चड्डा इनकी तरफ से केस लड़ती है और पूरी कोसिस करती है की पीड़िता को न्याय मिले पर अक्षय खन्ना भी अपने क्लाइंट को बचने के लिए अरे रहते है और केस ऐसे ही चलता रहता है और अक्षय खन्ना पे काफी साडी सवाल उठती है पर वो नहीं मानते अक्षय खन्ना पे इंक भी फेका जाता है क्युकी वो एक लड़के का डिफेंस में केस लार रहे थे जो की लोगो की नजर में काफी गलत है की बिना सोचे समझे की हो सकता है लड़का बेकुसूर हो क्युकी आजकल लड़की लोग फेमिनिज्म के ना पे कुछ भी कर रही है तो इस मूवी में अक्षय खन्ना अपने केस में लगे रहते बिना कुछ सोचे समझे क्युकी उनको वो केस मिला था और वो पूरी तरह से जितना चाहते तो उसके लिए वो कुछ भी कर रहें है पर कोर्ट का फैसला क्या होगा वो तो पूरी मूवी देखने के बाद ही पता चलेगा क्युकी हम आपको ट्रेलर देख के इसका ब्रीफ दे रहे है उम्मीद है ये मूवी अछि चलेगी क्युकी ये मूवी इमोशन पे बेस्ड है
Section 375 movie is going to be quite interesting and popular because this movie is based on some real stories, this is Akhse Khanna who has played the role of a lawyer fighting on behalf of a boy's story There is a girl in which the policemen misbehave with them and before writing a report they ask some lurid questions which makes the victim feel very bad then after the registration of the case After Richa Chaddha fights the case on his behalfAnd the whole case tries to get justice for the victim, but Akshay Khanna is also trying to save his client and the case goes on like this and Akshay Khanna gets a lot of questions but he does not believe that Akshay Khanna would be thrown on ink too. Is it because he was taking a case in defense of a boy, which is quite wrong in the eyes of the people that without thinking that the boy may be innocent, because nowadays, the girl people are not on Feminism Uc is also So in this movie, Akshaye Khanna while engaged in his case, without thinking anything because he got that case and if he wants it completely, then he is doing whatever for him, but what will be the decision of the court, after watching the whole movie Only you will know that we are giving you the brief by watching the trailer. Hopefully this movie will be good because this movie is based on emotion.
Section 375 movie is going to be quite interesting and popular because this movie is based on some real stories, this is Akhse Khanna who has played the role of a lawyer fighting on behalf of a boy's story There is a girl in which the policemen misbehave with them and before writing a report they ask some lurid questions which makes the victim feel very bad then after the registration of the case After Richa Chaddha fights the case on his behalfAnd the whole case tries to get justice for the victim, but Akshay Khanna is also trying to save his client and the case goes on like this and Akshay Khanna gets a lot of questions but he does not believe that Akshay Khanna would be thrown on ink too. Is it because he was taking a case in defense of a boy, which is quite wrong in the eyes of the people that without thinking that the boy may be innocent, because nowadays, the girl people are not on Feminism Uc is also So in this movie, Akshaye Khanna while engaged in his case, without thinking anything because he got that case and if he wants it completely, then he is doing whatever for him, but what will be the decision of the court, after watching the whole movie Only you will know that we are giving you the brief by watching the trailer. Hopefully this movie will be good because this movie is based on emotion.
Movieskhabar उम्मीद करता हु की आपको हमारा ये पोस्ट पसंद आया होगा अगर पसंद आया तो प्लीज इस पोस्ट को अपने दोस्तों में शेयर करे थैंक यू